• Relevant to all levels of charity and legacy professionals:  With sessions for all levels of the team and all sizes of charity – from those new to legacy fundraising, experienced legacy team members looking for inspiration and insight, and senior leaders and board members wanting more insight into the income and donor engagement opportunities that can be created from legacy fundraising, the summit is designed to appeal to all charities across the legacy sector.
  • International Legacy Fundraising: Our digital format will once again enable charities and speakers from charities outside the UK to view and participate in the summit – and we welcome their contribution to the day

#LSS is a must attend event for all legacy fundraising professionals, as well as those who oversee charity income and strategy including:

  • Heads of Legacy Giving 
  • Legacy Managers  
  • Legacy Fundraisers  
  • Heads of Marketing  
  • Alumni Giving Manager  
  • Heads of Fundraising  
  • In-Memoriam Professionals
  • Individual Giving
  • Philanthropy Managers   
  • Major donor fundraisers 
  • CEOs 
  • Finance Directors  
  • Development Directors 

Non-charity attendees: 

We also recommend the summit for the following types of organisations, and have a special non-charity rate for these attendees: 

  • Creative professionals who work with legacy teams 
  • Law firms that work with legacy teams 
  • Fundraising consultants
  • Donor data managers 
  • Will providers 
  • Legacy team support services 

Who attended last year?