Summit Theme for 2025: Growing Legacy Success Through Innovation & Collaboration

With insights from leading practitioners and industry experts, LSS25 equips charities of all sizes with the knowledge and strategies to enhance and grow their legacy fundraising programme. 

Spotlight on 2025: Top Sessions You Won't Want to Miss…

Being seen & heard in a crowded sector: How can a charity make a splash with a bold new DTRV campaign in the increasingly busy legacy campaign calendar of events?  When is a suitable time to launch a new campaign message that will connect with new potential pledgers? Hear why Leukaemia UK decided on an ambitious new legacy strategy for their brand – and how they did it! 

Examining the full potential of In-Memory Giving: A deep-dive insight into new platforms, products and pages that can connect your charity with a fresh pipeline of engaged supporters from Legacy Voice – plus an in-depth case study from Bowel Cancer UK on their relaunched, refreshed and enhanced In-Memory stewardship programme.

Having faith in a collaborative approach to legacy fundraising: After 10 years of working together, Your Catholic Legacy, set out to see if their collaborative approach to legacy fundraising was working.  With results and insights from their research with Legacy Futures, this is a must-view for smaller charities that need to maximise their resource and brand and work in collaboration with other organisations. Panel case study from Your Catholic Legacy group members.

Smee & Ford plus Legacy Futures: Legacy Giving Trends in our Time: Hear how the legacy giving trends seen in the full year 2024 compare with recent years. This session will also consider how a more uncertain economic and political landscape can influence donor’s legacy giving preferences.